Event Dutch Lusitano Association LVN

Liebe Lusitano Freunde

Gerne informieren wir Sie über die Einladung des Holländischen Lusitano Vereins LVN zum Holländischen Lusitano Event 2017:

Dear friends of the Lusitano horse – Today the Dutch Lusitano Association LVNpublished the invitation to participate in the Lusitano grading show and model and movements competition on Sunday 24th of September, KNHS National Equestrian Center, De Beek 125, 3852 PL Ermelo, The Netherlands. Inscription form
The form is both in English and Dutch. We welcome all participants to join our national Lusitano event in The Netherlands. We do not have every email address of every Lusitano breeder, lover or rider in Europe and beyond. So please feel free to forward this email to everyone in your association who might be interested in the Dutch Lusitano show. It is highly appreciated if you share this mail with members of your association.
Kindest regards – Nick Welman, president Lusitano Vrienden Nederland

Anmelden kann man sich bis zum 23. August 2017.